Health + Fitness + Performance:
10 Min Build to a TOUGH Set:
1 Below the Knee Hang Power Snatch + 1 Above the Knee Hang Power Snatch
– Rest 1 Min
1 Below the Knee Hang Power Snatch + 1 Above the Knee Hang Power Snatch @75% of TOUGH Set
Health WOD:
4 Sets: 3 Min On / 2 Min Off
15/12 Cal Bike
5 Sandbag or DBall Over the Shoulder
AMRAP Sandbag or DBall Carry in Remaining Time
Fitness + Performance WOD:
4 Sets: 3 Min On / 2 Min Off
20/15 Cal Bike
5 Sandbag Over the Shoulder (150/100)
AMRAP Sandbag Carry in Remaining Time