H: 2x (1+2) Muscle Snatch + Power Snatch Balance
F+P: 2x (1+2) Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance
15 Min to Build to a Heavy Triple
:02 Paused Above the Knee Hang Power Snatch (Reset Between Reps)
-Rest 2 Min
Every 90 Sec x 3 Sets:
3 Reps @ 75% of :02 Paused Heavy Triple (Reset Between Reps)
15 Min to Build to a Heavy Triple
:02 Paused Above the Knee Hang Squat Snatch (Reset Between Reps)
-Rest 2 Min
Every 90 Sec x 3 Sets:
3 Reps @ 75% of :02 Paused Heavy Triple (Reset Between Reps)
Health WOD:
Every 5 Min x 3 Sets:
450/400m Row
15 DB Push Press (2x 25/15)
5 Scaled Wall Walks
Fitness WOD:
Every 5 Min x 3 Sets:
500/450m Row
15 Shoulder to Overhead (115/85)
5 Wall Walks
Performance WOD:
Every 5 Min x 3 Sets:
500/450m Row
15 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115)
75’ Handstand Walk