
Workout 5.22.20

Gym Workout Day 3

6 Rounds:

:30 Max Power Cleans

:30 Rest

:30 Max Wall Balls

:30 Rest


Scaled: 75/55lbs, 14/10lbs

Rx: 115/85lbs, 20/14lbs

Comp: 135/95lbs, 20/14lbs


3 Rounds: 

10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (5 each side) 

At Home Barbell Strength 

Power Clean + Jerk

Every :15 for 8 Reps

2 + 1 @ 70-75%


Rest 3:00


Every :25 for 6 Reps

2 + 1 @ 75%+


Keep the bar touch + go today, focus on the bar path on the descent to keep it tight to your legs. Keep the weight between 70 and 75% on the first section, build on the second as possible but no missed reps.


At Home Lower Body Skill/Strength (No Equipment) 

4×5 Single Leg Hip Bridge (3 sec Pause at the top) Each Leg


At Home Lower Body Skill/Strength (With Equipment) 

4×5 Single Leg DB/KB Cross Body RDL Each Leg


Cross Body RDL


At Home Conditioning (No Equipment) 

3 Rounds:

100’ Odd Object Carry or 1:00 Plank

30 Burpees 

15 Pike Push Ups

30 Odd Object Russian Twist


At Home Conditioning (With Equipment) 

3 Rounds:

100’ Single DB/KB Suitcase Carry

30 Burpees 

30 Single DB/KB Push Press

30 DB/KB Russian Twist

Park Workout Finisher

Tabata Push Ups

8 Rounds of :20 Work/ :10 Rest


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