Health + Fitness + Performance:
10 Min EMOM:
Odd Min: 2 Strict Press
Even Min: 2 Strict Pull Ups (Banded / Bodyweight / Weighted)
*Same set up compared to last week
*Goal is to hit more weight on the presses and a difficult version on pull ups
Health WOD:
15 Min EMOM: 45 sec On / 15 sec Off
1) Lying to Stand Rope Climbs
2) DB Z-Press (Athletes choice weight)
3) Bike Cals
Fitness WOD:
15 Min EMOM: 45 sec On / 15 sec Off
1) Rope Climbs
2) Handstand Push Ups
3) Bike Cals
Performance WOD:
15 Min EMOM: 45 sec On / 15 sec Off
1) Rope Climbs
2) Strict Handstand Push Ups
3) Bike Cals