Health WOD:
For Time: 32 Min Time Cap
Cal Row
Ab Mat Sit Ups
-Rest 5 Min
4 Rounds For Time:
100 Single Unders
15 Double DB Z-Press
Compare to 4.20.22
Fitness WOD:
For Time: 32 Min Time Cap
Cal Row
Toes to Bar
Burpee Over the Rower
-Rest 5 Min
4 Rounds For Time:
60 Double Unders
15 Handstand Push Ups
Compare to 4.20.22
Performance WOD:
For Time: 32 Min Time Cap
Cal Row
Toes to Bar
Burpee Over the Rower
-Rest 5 Min
4 Rounds For Time:
75 Double Unders
15 Strict Handstand Push Ups
Compared to 4.20.22