
Workout 7.5.23



16 Min EMOM:

1) 5-10 Band Assisted Push Ups on DBs (Chest touches the ground) 

2) :15 Handstand Hold + 10 Push Up Position Alt Shoulder Taps (One second pause at shoulder) 

3) 4-6 Kipping Hip Pops with towel between feet 

4) Rest 



16 Min EMOM:

1) :05 Top of Ring Dip Hold + 3-5 Strict Ring Dips + :05 Top of Ring Dip Hold 

2) :40 Handstand Walk Practice 

3) 3-5 Kipping Hips to Rings

4) Rest 



16 Min EMOM:

1) :05 Top of Ring Dip Hold + 5-8 Strict Ring Dips + :05 Top of Ring Dip Hold 

2) :40 Handstand Pirouette Practice  

3) 2-4 Ring Muscle Up (No Dip) 

4) Rest 



Health WOD: 

10 Min EMOM:

10/7 Cal Bike 

*AMRAP Deadlifts in remaining time (115/85) 


Fitness WOD:

10 Min EMOM:

12/9 Cal Bike 

*AMRAP Deadlifts in remaining time (225/155) 


Performance WOD:

10 Min EMOM:

12/9 Cal Bike 

*AMRAP Deadlifts in remaining time (275/185)


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