
Workout 9.28.23



EMOM 15:

1) :30 Slow and Controlled Alt Shoulder Taps w/ Feet on Box in Plank or Pike position (Hold for 2 seconds on each shoulder) 

2) :20-30 Handstand Hold (Pike position on Box or Wall Facing) 

3) Rest 



EMOM 15:

1) :30 Slow and Controlled Alt Shoulder Taps Against Wall (Closer to wall = harder) 

2) :20-30 Wall Facing Handstand Hold w/ pulsing feet off wall

3) Rest 



EMOM 15:

1) :30 Slow and Controlled Alt Hip Taps 

2) :20-30 Freestanding Handstand Hold (4×4 Box) 

3) Rest 



Health WOD:

20 Min AMRAP:

300m Run 

150’ Sandbag Carry (Right Shoulder) 

15/12 Cal Bike

150’ Sandbag Carry (Left Shoulder) 


Fitness + Performance WOD:

20 Min AMRAP:

400m Run 

200’ Sandbag Carry (Right Shoulder) (150/100)

20/15 Cal Bike

200’ Sandbag Carry (Left Shoulder)  (150/100) 


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