
Workout Monday 5.11.20

Barbell Strength 

Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat

Build to heavy 1 + 1 + 2 with :03 pause in the bottom of each overhead squat


Every 1:30 for 3 sets

1 + 1 + 2 @ 80%


Hold on to the bar throughout the complex, focus on speed under the bar on the hang rep, look to hit the same weight as last week


Upper Body Strength (No Equipment) 

4 x Max Decline Push Ups Tempo 30X1


*Feet elevated on bench, box, chair, etc.

**Goal is to get more reps than next week.


Upper Body Strength (With Equipment) 

4 x 6-8 Single Arm Z-Press Tempo 31X1 (Each Arm)


Conditioning (No Equipment)

5 Rounds:

20 Walking Lunges

10 Broad Jumps

10 Burpees Over Odd Object

Conditioning (With Equipment)

5 Rounds:

20 OH Alt. Single Arm DB/KB Lunges

15 DB/KB Swings

10 Lateral Burpees Over DB/KB


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