
Workout Monday 5.4.20

Warm Up

3 Rounds: 

200 Meter Run

10 Inchworms

10 Mt. Climbers

10 Push Ups. 

Barbell Strength 

Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat

Build to heavy 1 + 1 + 1 with :03 pause in the bottom of the overhead squat


Every 1:30 for 3 sets

1 + 1 + 1 @ 80%

Hold on to the bar throughout the complex, focus on speed under the bar on the hang rep

Upper Body Strength (No Equipment) 

4 x Max Decline Push Ups Tempo 30X1

*Feet elevated on bench, box, chair, etc. 

Upper Body Strength (With Equipment) 

4 x 6 Single Arm Z-Press Tempo 31X1 (Each Arm) 

Conditioning (No Equipment)

4 Rounds: 

400 Meter Run

30 Sit Ups

20 Jumping Lunges

Conditioning (With Equipment)

4 Rounds: 

400 Meter Run 

30 Sit Ups

20 Single Arm OH DB/KB Lunges


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