
Workout 10.30.21

A. Primer

2x 50’/arm Bottoms Up KB Walk 



4 Rounds: 

12/side Half Kneeling DB Arnold Press 

Rest :30 

6 Barbell Pendlay Rows 

Rest 2:00




3 Rounds For Time: 18 Min Cap 

500/400m Row

20 Ring Rows 

20 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65) 


  • One person works on a rower at a time. While one partner does ring rows, the other partner does a farmer hold @ 53/35. While one partner does shoulder to overhead, the other partner holds a plank 



3 Rounds For Time: 18 Min Cap 

600/500m Row

30 Pull Ups

30 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105) 


  • One person works on a rower at a time. While one partner does pull ups, the other partner does a farmer hold @ 70/53. While one partner does shoulder to overhead, the other partner holds a plank



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