Health Partner WOD:
For Time: 25 Min Time Cap
60 Scaled Wall Walks
* One Partner Works
* One Partner Completes:
12/9 Cal Row
10 DB Shoulder to Overhead (2x 25/15)
8 Burpees
Fitness Partner WOD:
For Time: 25 Min Time Cap
80 Wall Walks
* One Partner Works
* One Partner Completes:
15/12 Cal Row
12 Shoulder to Overhead (115/85)
9 Bar Facing Burpees
Performance Partner WOD:
For Time: 25 Min Time Cap
100 Wall Walks
* One Partner Works
* One Partner Completes:
15/12 Cal Row
12 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105)
9 Bar Facing Burpees
B. Cash Out:
50 Med Ball Partner Sit Ups (20/14) (Both Partners do 1 Sit Up = 1 Rep)