Health + Fitness + Performance:
Every 2 Min x 6 Sets:
3 Push Jerks
– :02 Pause In the Dip
– :02 Pause Overhead
Health WOD:
For Time: 10 Min Time Cap
25/20 Cal Row
15 DB Push Press (2x 25/15)
15/12 Cal Row
12 DB Push Press (2x 25/15)
10/8 Cal Row
9 DB Push Press (2x 25/15)
Fitness +
For Time: 10 Min Time Cap
30/25 Cal Row
15 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
20/15 Cal Row
12 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
10/8 Cal Row
9 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
Performance WOD:
For Time: 10 Min Time Cap
30/25 Cal Row
15 Shoulder to Overhead (185/125)
20/15 Cal Row
12 Shoulder to Overhead (185/125)
10/8 Cal Row
9 Shoulder to Overhead (185/125)