In 15 Min Build to a HEAVY:
2 Clean Pulls + 2 Power Clean + 1 Below the Knee Hang Power Clean
Rest 1 Min
Every 1:30 x 2 Sets:
1 Complex @ 75%
– Reset between the clean pulls and the power cleans but hang onto the bar after the squat clean going into the below the knee hang power clean
– shoot to be 5-10lbs off of last weeks weight
Fitness + Performance:
In 15 Min Build to a HEAVY:
2 Clean Pulls + 2 Squat Clean + 1 Below the Knee Hang Squat Clean
Rest 1 Min
Every 1:30 x 2 Sets:
1 Complex @ 75%
– Reset between the clean pulls and the squat cleans but hang onto the bar after the squat clean going into the below the knee hang squat clean
– shoot to be 5-10lbs off of last weeks weight
Health WOD:
16 Min EMOM:
1) 60 Single Unders
2) 10 DB Hang Power Cleans (2x 25/15)
3) :40 Max Ring Rows
4) Rest
Fitness WOD:
16 Min EMOM:
1) 40 Double Unders
2) 10 DB Hang Power Cleans (2x 50/35)
3) Chest to Bar Pull Ups
4) Rest
Performance WOD:
16 Min EMOM:
1) 60 Double Unders
2) 12 DB Hang Power Cleans (2x 50/35)
3) Chest to Bar Pull Ups
4) Rest