
Workout 6.23.20


EMOM 6: 

Scaled: Alt. Minutes 4 Ring Kips/ 4 Low Ring Transitions

Rx: 1-3 Kipping Ring MU
Comp: 1-2 Strict Ring MU



Strength Accessory: 

3x 5-10


*Pick whichever variation will create the most progress

Scaled: :10 Ring Support Holds or 5 Banded DIps or 5 Dip Negatives
Rx: Strict Stationary Dips
Comp: Strict Ring Dips



Every 3:00 for 4 Rounds: 

9 Toes-to-Bar

12 Hang Power Cleans

15/12 Cal Assault Bike


Scaled: 95/65lbs, Hanging Knee Raises

Rx: 135/95lbs

Comp: 155/105lbs, 20/15 Cals


*Score is the slowest round. 


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