
Workout 9.18.21

A. Primer

2×15 Banded Pull Aparts


4 Rounds: 

3 Bench Press @ Tempo 22X1

Rest :30 

:45 Dual KB Front Rack Hold (Heavy)

Rest 2:00




“Kabul 13” 

Hero WOD in Honor of the 13 service members who died in Afghanistan on August 26th, 2021.


For Time, Teams of 2: 

2021m Row


13 Rounds:

8 Snatches 95/65

26 Ab Mat Sit Ups


*1 Person working at a time on the row. 

*Alternate full rounds with partner on second part



“Kabul 13” 

Hero WOD in Honor of the 13 service members who died in Afghanistan on August 26th, 2021.


For Time, Teams of 2: 

2021m Row


13 Rounds:

8 Snatches 115/85

26 Ab Mat Sit Ups


*1 Person working at a time on the row. 

*Alternate full rounds with partner on second part


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