3 Part Metcon
At 0:00 -*Strength Biased Tester*
10 Min AMRAP:
10 Push Press @85% of Strict Press
100 Meter Run
(Score: Rounds + Reps, *Run = 1 Rep)
Fitness + Performance:
10 Min AMRAP:
Max Unbroken Push Jerk (F: 75%, P: 80% of 1RM Push Jerk)
100 Meter Run
(Score= Total Reps of STOH)
B. At 15:00
3 Rounds:
400/300 Meter Row
20 Alternating DB Snatch 35/25lbs
7 Hanging Knee Raises
7 Push Ups
3 Rounds:
500/450 Meter Row
20 Alt. DB Snatch 50/35lbs
5 Strict Pull Ups
3 Rounds:
500/450 Meter Row
20 Alt. DB Snatch 70/50lbs
3 Rope Rope Climbs
C. At 30:00
2 Min AMRAP:
Max Double Unders (Health: Singles)