
Workout Wednesday 5.20.20

Gym Workout Day 2



Every 1:30 for 5 Rounds: 

5 Push Press



7 T2B

12 Power Snatch 75/55#


At Home Barbell Strength 

Overhead Squat

15:00 to establish 5RM Overhead Squat


You can either use a rack if you have one, or come from the ground. If you come from the ground then you can either snatch the first rep, or clean, push press to back rack, widen your grip and jerk overhead before starting your squats. 


At Home Lower Body Strength (No Equipment) 

4 Rounds: 

6 Curtsy Lunges (Each Leg) 

3 Broad Jumps

Rest 1:30 


At Home Lower Body Strength (With Equipment)

4 Rounds: 

6 DB/KB Curtsy Lunges (Each Leg) 

3 Broad Jumps

Rest 1:30 


At Home Conditioning (No Equipment)


Air Squats

Push Ups

Lateral Jumps Over Odd Object 


At Home Conditioning (With Equipment)


Single Arm DB/KB Thrusters

Lateral Jumps Over DB


Park Workout Finisher

5 Rounds: 

200 Meter Run

Rest :30


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